While doing site Backup and Restore in SharePoint 2013, i was getting the following error. Please note that the site collection is Host Name Site collection not Path based site collection.
The command i was giving is
C:\Windows\system32> Restore-SPSite
http://sites.mytestsites.com/sites/mytestsite1 -Path
"D:\Backup\MYTESTSITE1-PROD-20150210-2351.bak" -DatabaseName
"SP13_Content_TESTSITEDB" -HostHeaderWebApplication
"http://WFESERVERNAME" -Force
The specified URL is not a top-level Web site. The backup
and restore operations work only for top-level Web sites. Enter the URL for a
site to try the
operation again.
At line:1 char:1
+ Restore-SPSite
http://sites.mytestsites.com/sites/testSite1 -Path "D:\Backup\ ...
CategoryInfo : InvalidData:
(Microsoft.Share...dletRestoreSite:SPCmdletRestoreSite) [Restore-SPSite],
FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPCmdletRestoreSite
The only thing that worked for me is
- Deleting the existing site collection using the Remove-Spsite powershell cmdlet.
- Restoring the site from Backup using Restore-Spsite powershell cmdlet targeting to specific content DB
Remove-SPSite -Identity "http://sites.mytestsites.com/sites/TestSite1" -GradualDelete
Restore-SPSite http://sites.mytestsites.com/sites/MyTestSite1 -Path "D:\Backup\MyTestSite1.bak" -DatabaseName "SP13_Content_TestSitesContentDB" -HostHeaderWebApplication "http://WFESERVERNAME"
Hope this helps for some one who is having similar issue in backing up and restoring Host Name Site Collection (HNSC)
If someone finds a reason for this or is there any other way of doing this restore please let me know.